61. Jesus' Death on the CrossMany assume Jesus came to die on the cross. Jesus certainly died for our sins and made atonement. But was this the purpose for the Messiah's coming? No.
62. Spiritual SalvationThe blood of Jesus was to create God's lineage of true children. Instead, it became a necessary blood ransom payment to Satan because of human disbelief.
63. Why Two Kinds of Prophesy?Throughout the Hebrew Bible, the LORD God used the "If... then..." type of counsel to the Jewish people, reminding them of their human portion of responsibility to manifest God's Will on the earth.
64. Crucifixion: The Alternative GoalJesus did not come to die on the cross. Jesus accepted crucifixion as God's will only after the people failed to believe in and support Jesus as their Messiah and King of Israel.
65. Second Coming of ElijahThe Bible has many mysteries which if explained, can open our eyes to how God is working in the world. For example, the Hebrew Bible wrote that the prophet Elijah would return before the Messiah (Jesus) appeared. Many Israelites expected a supernatural return from the sky. In the same way today, many Christians expect Jesus to return from the sky but this an error.
66. The People Pushed to Make a ChoiceIn order to accept Jesus self-proclamation as the Messiah, the Jewish people had to first believe that John the Baptist was the returning Elijah.
67. John the Baptist Fails to Unite with Jesus
Through a revelation, John testifies that Jesus is the Son of God but John and his disciples fail to follow Jesus.
68. Biblical Concept of DeathTwo kinds of death are used in the Bible by Jesus.
69. The Curse of Death Caused by AdamBible literalists believe natural decay, old age and physical death were caused by the Fall. Now there is an alternative (literalists need to know this!).
70. The Resurrection of the BodyHow will the body be resurrected by God? Will it be achieved in a supernatural manner or will it be reasonable and logical?